Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870. 11:00:112019-11-26 10:29:21Drive Time Interview: Friends of the Conway Public Library Book Sale
Tony Zore sits down with Marshall Allan to discuss the Festival of Trees benefot for the Carroll County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program happening Nov. 29th through Dec. 1st at the Red Jacket Mountain View Resort.
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870. 10:20:002019-11-26 10:20:00Drive Time Interview: Festival of Trees
A very enthusiastic Chalmers Insurance Group had a great time during the food drive.
NORTH CONWAY, NH – The 18th Annual Mt. Washington Radio Food Drive for Vaughan Community Services was a HUGE success!
On Wednesday, the Mount Washington Radio team broadcasted live from the First Church of Christ Congregational in North Conway Village for 12 straight hours. From 6am to 6pm, The DJs and staff from 93.5 WMWV, Magic 104, and Easy 95.3 collected frozen turkeys, non-perishable food items, and monetary donations that will be distributed across the various Mount Washington Valley Food Pantries.
Mount Washington Valley residents came out in droves to help those in need in the valley with some highlights like Stan Szetela donating 100 turkeys, Buzz Coleman donating 25 Turkey Dinners, Pine Tree Elementary School donating 1,423 non-perishable food items, The White Mountain Independents donating $1000, and Johnson’s Autocare donating over $3000.
Volunteers collected 350 frozen turkeys which is the exact number that Vaughan Community Services needed to meet their goal.
Mount Washington Valley residents also donated over $11,000 in monetary donations and hundreds of pounds of non-perishable food items. For every 1 dollar donated Vaughan can buy $3 worth of groceries from the NH Food bank.
Mt Washington Valley Kustomz dropping off their donation during the food drive.
The White Mountain Independents donated $1000 during the food drive.
Magic 104’s Tony Zore interviewing Sean Young of the Premier Home Store during the food drive.
Every year Buzz Coleman is one of the first to make his donation to the food drive. This year Buzz donated 25 full Turkey Dinners.
As always, WMWV wants to send a very special “Thank You“ to all of the local businesses listed below for helping us make this event possible again this year! 16:39:122019-11-25 16:39:12The 18th Annual Mt. Washington Radio Food Drive was a HUGE Success!
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870. 12:00:182019-11-21 10:51:04Drive Time Interviews: Christmas at the Castle
Tony Zore sits down with Dana Cunningham and Patricia McMurry to discuss the Little White Church’s ongoing campaign to raise funds for repairs. They held a dine to donate event at Snowvillage Inn on Nov. 20th. They will also be holding Christmas Concerts December 6th-8th and Friday, December 13th.
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870. 10:46:072019-11-21 10:46:07Drive Time Interview: Little White Church
Drive Time Interview: Friends of the Conway Public Library Book Sale
Tony Zore sits down with David Smolen to discuss the Friends of the Conway Public Library Book Sale from Dec. 3rd to the 7th.
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Click Here for more information.
This Drive Time Interview is brought to you by
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870.
Drive Time Interview: Festival of Trees
Tony Zore sits down with Marshall Allan to discuss the Festival of Trees benefot for the Carroll County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program happening Nov. 29th through Dec. 1st at the Red Jacket Mountain View Resort.
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Click Here for more information.
This Drive Time Interview is brought to you by
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870.
The 18th Annual Mt. Washington Radio Food Drive was a HUGE Success!
NORTH CONWAY, NH – The 18th Annual Mt. Washington Radio Food Drive for Vaughan Community Services was a HUGE success!
On Wednesday, the Mount Washington Radio team broadcasted live from the First Church of Christ Congregational in North Conway Village for 12 straight hours. From 6am to 6pm, The DJs and staff from 93.5 WMWV, Magic 104, and Easy 95.3 collected frozen turkeys, non-perishable food items, and monetary donations that will be distributed across the various Mount Washington Valley Food Pantries.
Mount Washington Valley residents came out in droves to help those in need in the valley with some highlights like Stan Szetela donating 100 turkeys, Buzz Coleman donating 25 Turkey Dinners, Pine Tree Elementary School donating 1,423 non-perishable food items, The White Mountain Independents donating $1000, and Johnson’s Autocare donating over $3000.
Volunteers collected 350 frozen turkeys which is the exact number that Vaughan Community Services needed to meet their goal.
Mount Washington Valley residents also donated over $11,000 in monetary donations and hundreds of pounds of non-perishable food items. For every 1 dollar donated Vaughan can buy $3 worth of groceries from the NH Food bank.
As always, WMWV wants to send a very special “Thank You“ to all of the local businesses listed below for helping us make this event possible again this year!
2019 Food Drive Hourly Sponsors:
Mt. Washington Auto Road & Great Glen Trails Outdoor Adventure Center
Chalmers Insurance
North Country Dental
Backyard Concept Outdoor Consulting
Johnsons Auto Care
Ski & Snowboard Liquidation Center
Premiere Home Store
Profile Subaru
North Country Fair Jewelers
Northeast Credit Union
Drive Time Interviews: Christmas at the Castle
Tony Zore sits down with Chuck Clark to discuss Christmas at the Castle, two weekends at Castle in the Clouds celebrating the Christmas season.
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Click Here for more information.
This Drive Time Interview was made possible by
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870.
Drive Time Interview: Little White Church
Tony Zore sits down with Dana Cunningham and Patricia McMurry to discuss the Little White Church’s ongoing campaign to raise funds for repairs. They held a dine to donate event at Snowvillage Inn on Nov. 20th. They will also be holding Christmas Concerts December 6th-8th and Friday, December 13th.
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Click Here for more information.
This Drive Time Interview was made possible by
Drive Time Interviews are a specialty program on week days at 5pm where local not for profit organizations get a chance to talk about an upcoming event on air.
If you would like to schedule a drive time interview Click Here. Or give our office a call at 603-356-8870.