AO Lucy from Believe in Books Literacy Foundation called in to talk with Gino today and the two discussed how Believe in Books is considered an “essential” business and despite the COVID-19 concern they have continued on with their services with slight changes. AO made sure to mention that the safety and health of his staff’s physical and financial health was a main priority in addition to that of their members and customers. He explained that they have reduced their work week but are still able to maintain most of their literacy programs. He also gave us a heads up on what NEW and adjusted offerings Believe in Books is doing during this restricted time; like “Story Time” on Facebook, FREE Trail Access, and of course Maple Syrup for sale! Give the interview a listen by clicking below! 15:53:442020-04-16 16:02:22Believe In Books is Still Doing Their Part to Make Sure the Children of the Mount Washington Valley Have Books to Read
Genn Anzaldi of The Valley Originals and J-Town Deli talked with Roy Prescott this morning via the phone and they were able to discuss how the Valley Originals are reacting to the COVID-19 outbreak. Some of the Valley Originals have closed for the time being but there are many that are still open and doing Take Out, Delivery, Curbside, and Meal To Go Services. Genn said the best way to check in on your favorite Valley Original status is to follow them on Social Media, visit their respective website, or call. There are over 700 employees that make up the Valley Originals collectively and Genn explained that they are doing all they can to support them. She also mentioned in the last year alone, the Valley Originals earned almost $400,000 in donations for local charities and groups. So now more than ever, eating local has never been more important, even if the Valley Original is closed just purchasing a gift certificate goes a long way. Click below to listen to Roy’s conversation with Genn. 09:55:302020-04-13 09:55:30Eating with The Valley Originals has Never Been More Important
Sean Young from the Premier Home Store called Gino today and they talked about how Premier North Conway is an “essential” business and they are still serving the Mount Washington Valley when it comes to Furniture, Appliances, Electronics, and more. Now Premier has closed their front door to foot traffic but Sean explained that there are numerous ways to reach out to Premier, like phone, online, and social media. Sean said that his staff is even willing to set up a video stream with you and take you on a virtual tour of their showroom and interactive kiosk. Sean also mentioned the changes and protocol that has been created to ensure the health and safety of not only his customers but his staff. Plus, Premier is also known for their payment options and they are willing to work with you to make sure you are in complete comfort throughout this whole experience. Take a listen to the interview below! 12:58:432020-04-10 13:00:18Furniture! Appliances! Electronics! The Premier Home Store Wants to Make Sure YOU are in Comfort as You Stay At Home
Nick Swan of CED Conway called Gino earlier today and told us all about how CED is reacting to the COVID-19 concern and what changes they have brought to their business practices. CED is open as they are an essential business however they have decided to close their doors and work through a “curbside only” operation. Gino and Nick also talked about checking the preparedness of your home in a time like this and possibly putting some of the “extra” time we are all experiencing to getting some projects done around the house. CED Conway is always there for you to answer any questions you may have and if they can’t answer it for you they will connect you with somebody who can. Nick also mentioned that next month is National Electrical Safety Month and it’s a great time to raise awareness on how to avoid potential electrical hazards in your home. CED Conway is also making sure they are helping locals in need and supporting local restaurants and stores at least twice a week. Take a listen below!
CED Conway is located at 155 Washington Street in Conway, NH. The number to reach them is 603-480-5161. You can also follow them on Facebook! 09:56:432020-04-09 09:56:43CED Conway is Practicing Social Distancing and is Continuing to Serve the Valley’s Electrical Needs
Carroll County RSVP’sExecutive Director Mary Carey Seavey called Roy today on the Morning Show and told us all about how the Retired Senior & Volunteer Program is adapting to the concern of COVID-19. Mary explained that RSVP is made up of over 400 volunteers and they are ready to serve the Mount Washington Valley and surrounding areas. They have made some changes however, for example, they are no longer running general errands or grocery shopping, but they are continuing with Meals On Wheels, Prescription Pick Ups, Doctor Visits, and more. Mary said that her drivers and volunteers are “essential” and they are all practicing the guidelines laid out by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). They are running a safe, clean, and healthy operation and are ready to serve. Listen to the interview below! 11:51:352020-04-07 11:51:44Carroll County RSVP is Ready To Serve the Mount Washington Valley Safely
Believe In Books is Still Doing Their Part to Make Sure the Children of the Mount Washington Valley Have Books to Read
AO Lucy from Believe in Books Literacy Foundation called in to talk with Gino today and the two discussed how Believe in Books is considered an “essential” business and despite the COVID-19 concern they have continued on with their services with slight changes. AO made sure to mention that the safety and health of his staff’s physical and financial health was a main priority in addition to that of their members and customers. He explained that they have reduced their work week but are still able to maintain most of their literacy programs. He also gave us a heads up on what NEW and adjusted offerings Believe in Books is doing during this restricted time; like “Story Time” on Facebook, FREE Trail Access, and of course Maple Syrup for sale! Give the interview a listen by clicking below!
For more details about Believe In Books Literacy Foundation go to BELIEVEINBOOKS.ORG
Eating with The Valley Originals has Never Been More Important
Genn Anzaldi of The Valley Originals and J-Town Deli talked with Roy Prescott this morning via the phone and they were able to discuss how the Valley Originals are reacting to the COVID-19 outbreak. Some of the Valley Originals have closed for the time being but there are many that are still open and doing Take Out, Delivery, Curbside, and Meal To Go Services. Genn said the best way to check in on your favorite Valley Original status is to follow them on Social Media, visit their respective website, or call. There are over 700 employees that make up the Valley Originals collectively and Genn explained that they are doing all they can to support them. She also mentioned in the last year alone, the Valley Originals earned almost $400,000 in donations for local charities and groups. So now more than ever, eating local has never been more important, even if the Valley Original is closed just purchasing a gift certificate goes a long way. Click below to listen to Roy’s conversation with Genn.
To learn more about the Valley Originals and to get a full list of all the locally own and operated restaurants go to THEVALLEYORIGINALS.COM
Furniture! Appliances! Electronics! The Premier Home Store Wants to Make Sure YOU are in Comfort as You Stay At Home
Sean Young from the Premier Home Store called Gino today and they talked about how Premier North Conway is an “essential” business and they are still serving the Mount Washington Valley when it comes to Furniture, Appliances, Electronics, and more. Now Premier has closed their front door to foot traffic but Sean explained that there are numerous ways to reach out to Premier, like phone, online, and social media. Sean said that his staff is even willing to set up a video stream with you and take you on a virtual tour of their showroom and interactive kiosk. Sean also mentioned the changes and protocol that has been created to ensure the health and safety of not only his customers but his staff. Plus, Premier is also known for their payment options and they are willing to work with you to make sure you are in complete comfort throughout this whole experience. Take a listen to the interview below!
To learn more about the Premier Home Store go to NORTHCONWAYPREMIER.COM, call 603-730-5925, and follow them on Facebook!
CED Conway is Practicing Social Distancing and is Continuing to Serve the Valley’s Electrical Needs
Nick Swan of CED Conway called Gino earlier today and told us all about how CED is reacting to the COVID-19 concern and what changes they have brought to their business practices. CED is open as they are an essential business however they have decided to close their doors and work through a “curbside only” operation. Gino and Nick also talked about checking the preparedness of your home in a time like this and possibly putting some of the “extra” time we are all experiencing to getting some projects done around the house. CED Conway is always there for you to answer any questions you may have and if they can’t answer it for you they will connect you with somebody who can. Nick also mentioned that next month is National Electrical Safety Month and it’s a great time to raise awareness on how to avoid potential electrical hazards in your home. CED Conway is also making sure they are helping locals in need and supporting local restaurants and stores at least twice a week. Take a listen below!
CED Conway is located at 155 Washington Street in Conway, NH. The number to reach them is 603-480-5161. You can also follow them on Facebook!
Carroll County RSVP is Ready To Serve the Mount Washington Valley Safely
Carroll County RSVP’s Executive Director Mary Carey Seavey called Roy today on the Morning Show and told us all about how the Retired Senior & Volunteer Program is adapting to the concern of COVID-19. Mary explained that RSVP is made up of over 400 volunteers and they are ready to serve the Mount Washington Valley and surrounding areas. They have made some changes however, for example, they are no longer running general errands or grocery shopping, but they are continuing with Meals On Wheels, Prescription Pick Ups, Doctor Visits, and more. Mary said that her drivers and volunteers are “essential” and they are all practicing the guidelines laid out by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). They are running a safe, clean, and healthy operation and are ready to serve. Listen to the interview below!
For more details about Carroll Country RSVP please go to CARROLLCOUNTYRSVP.ORG or call 603-356-9331. You can also email