In this Aug. 14, 2020, file photo, laboratory technicians work at the mAbxience biopharmaceutical company on an experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and the laboratory AstraZeneca in Garin, Argentina. AstraZeneca announced Monday, Aug. 31, its vaccine candidate has entered the final testing stage in the U.S. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko, File)
(WASHINGTON AP) – A third leading candidate COVID-19 vaccine has entered a final stage of human testing in the United States. AstraZeneca announced Monday its potential COVID-19 vaccine has entered final trials in the U.S. to test the effectiveness and safety of the product. The Cambridge, England-based company said the trial will involve up to 30,000 adults from various racial, ethnic and geographic groups. The potential vaccine was invented by the University of Oxford and an associated company, Vaccitech. Meanwhile, a U.S. advisory panel is suggesting a way to ration the first limited doses once a vaccine does prove safe and effective. 13:26:222022-03-22 09:31:04Third Virus Vaccine Reaches Major Hurdle: Final US Testing
Vaccination Program Manager Zach Sevigny, RN, prepares a patient to receive a vaccination
NORTH CONWAY, NH – The COVID-19 pandemic has led many families to postpone regular activities. For many families keeping up with immunizations and health visits for their children was one of those activities.
Dr. Wenda Saunders, a pediatrician at Memorial Hospital’s Mt. Washington Rural Health Care is encouraging families to get caught up with immunizations. “There has been a world-wide drop off in childhood immunizations and regular well-child visits because of COVID-19,” she says. “It is important for keeping your child healthy and for the health of your child’s classmates, day care mates, and friends.”
The Hospital and the Rural Health Center reduced access to hospital services during the early stages of the pandemic, including postponing some check-ups and other visits not deemed critical. Saunders notes that as the hospital has begun increasing access for patients, clinicians are making well-child visits and immunizations a priority. “We’re calling parents whose child had a visit affected by the hospital’s temporary reduction in services. To help schedule everyone we’ve added evening and weekend appointments to make it easier for parents to bring in their children.”
The Centers for Disease Control lists fourteen diseases preventable through vaccinations. These include the familiar measles, mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), and meningitis. Also on the list is polio which, though uncommon in the United States, is still seen in Africa, Asia and other areas of the world. While younger children receive most vaccines, Saunders also recommends the vaccination for the human papillomavirus, or HPV, for both girls and boys. The HPV vaccine is given in two or three doses beginning as soon as age 11. “The HPV vaccine reduces the risk of multiple types of cancers later in life, including cervical in females and oral cancers in males and females.”
Mt Washington Rural Health Practice Manager Lucy Williams says promoting health and preventing disease is the practice’s core mission, and her team has been working for several weeks to reschedule postponed appointments. “Reducing in-office appointments during the early stages of COVID-19 was the right thing to do to ensure patient safety. When we were able to increase access to services, we placed a high priority on well-child visits and immunizations as well as patients who missed appointments for chronic conditions.”
Health care providers, Williams says, learned more about the virus and how it spreads and made necessary adjustments to operations to safely increase access to in-person services. “We have transitioned our efforts to focus on preventive healthcare and have placed a high priority on routine well-child visits and immunizations.”
Williams adds that Mount Washington Valley Rural Health also expanded access by adding evening and weekend hours, and is now open seven days a week for appointments. Appointments can be requested through MyChart or by calling the office 603-356-5472. 16:02:222022-03-22 09:31:04Memorial Hospital Reminds Parents to check Children’s Immunization Status
Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has received an award notification for the second phase of the State Opioid Response (SOR) Program. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will provide the first year of funding as part of a two-year, $56 million award to New Hampshire to continue the successes achieved during the State’s first two years of SOR funding, which launched the Doorway system and increased rural access to care.
New Hampshire received more than $55 million during the initial phase of SOR funding. Over the past two years, New Hampshire has rapidly deployed SOR funding to establish a sustainable access and delivery system to ensure better outcomes for residents with an opioid or substance use disorder. The Doorways-NH launched on January 1, 2019, to provide comprehensive, 24/7 statewide access to services and ensure that no one in New Hampshire has to travel more than 60 minutes to begin the process toward recovery.
“We are grateful for additional support from our federal partners to continue the success of all of the programs that have been stood up and enhanced, including the Doorways program,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Since the Doorways launched, about 15,000 residents have received a clinical evaluation, referred to treatment or received naloxone. The system works, and this funding will be used to continue to ensure that these critical services will be available to help any resident seeking help for their substance use. Anyone who is experiencing substance misuse is encouraged to call 2-1-1 to get connected to people who can help.”
“According to a recent CDC survey, about 13% of adults have increased their use of substances during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in New Hampshire, the Doorways have remained a valuable resource for individuals and families struggling with substance misuse,” said DHHS Commissioner Lori Shibinette. “The Doorways continue to see increasing requests for services, with almost 1,000 residents seeking help last month alone. Our State is fortunate to have this system in place to be able to offer around the clock access to anyone in need.”
The new SOR funds will allow the State to enhance existing investments to build capacity even further with the goal to establish stability and sustainability in the long term. The Doorways will be expanding in-person 24/7 coverage in high volume regions through this funding and additional needs will also be addressed, including overnight respite, stimulant misuse and expanding recovery support services. 14:11:132022-03-22 09:31:04New Hampshire to Receive $28 Million in Funding for First Year of Two-Year State Opioid Response Program
WASHINGTON — The United States Census Bureau is actively conducting Non-Response Follow Up operations across every city, town, and municipality in the state to ensure a complete and accurate count of everyone living in the United States. By law, the Census Bureau must provide the first results from the 2020 Census by December 31st. To provide complete and accurate results by that deadline, we are doing everything we can to collect a response from every household by September 30th. We are urging households to respond, maximizing staff and production hours, and ensuring data quality along the way.
To ensure safety of all employees and residents, census takers are wearing masks and following social distancing guidelines. In most cases, census workers will make up to six attempts at each address to count possible residents—this is the same number of attempts we have been planning all along. Census takers will still visit homes during the originally planned hours—between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., local time, including on weekends, to reach people when they are more likely at home. Census takers are also calling some households to help them respond to the census, providing one more way to count hard-to-reach communities and people who have not yet responded.
The Census Bureau is attempting to complete data collection as quickly and safely as possible, while ensuring a complete and accurate count as it strives to comply with law and statutory deadlines. Identifying a Census Bureau employee can be accomplished by checking their ID badge, which includes:
Employees will also have an official 2020 Census bag and Census Bureau issued iPhone. If you are still unsure, you can ask the census taker for their supervisor’s contact information or the phone number for the local Census Bureau regional census center. Also, census takers should NEVER ask for any of the following information:
Your Social Security number
Your bank account or credit card numbers
Anything on behalf of a political party
Money or donations
Measuring Quality of Work
The United States Census Bureau has created a group of experienced field experts to closely monitor, evaluate, and resolve quality issues. Because census takers are using mobile devices instead of paper, we have a great deal of data about how long the census takers spend interviewing each respondent andwhere they physically were when the interview was conducted. We are carefully monitoring this information and using it to identify outliers. Based on those outliers, we may re-interview a portion of the census takers’ work to verify quality standards are met. The best way to avoid a visit from a census taker at home is to complete the 2020 Census online at
About 2020 Census
The U.S. Constitution mandates a head count, every ten years, of all residents living in the United States and its territories. Census counts determine how many seats each state is allocated in the U.S. House of Representative as well as how over $675 billion in federal dollars in distributed annually. Individual responses are protected by federal law, never to be shared with any other department, court, or law enforcement agency. Responding to the 2020 Census is easy with four ways to respond: online, by phone, by paper, or with the help of a census taker. 12:40:482022-03-22 09:31:04Census Takers are Easy to Spot Across New Hampshire
North Conway: On Thursday, August 27th shortly after 1:00 PM New Hampshire Fish and Game was notified that a hiker was in distress on the Middle Mountain Trail in the area of Peaked Mountain in North Conway. The hiker was Theodore Clancy, 76 of Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Theodore was hiking with his son, daughter in law and grandson. After hiking for about an hour Theodore began having chest pain and they phoned 911 for assistance. They were about a mile and a half from the trailhead.
Along with Conservation Officers members of North Conway Fire and Conway Fire departments responded. Paramedics were able to assess Theodore, provided treatment and monitor his condition. He was placed in a litter and carried to the trailhead. He arrived at the trailhead shortly after 4:00 PM and was transported by ambulance to the Memorial Hospital in North Conway. Ultimately he was transported by DHART to the Maine Medical Center for additional care.
Source: NH Fish and Game Press Release 09:29:572022-03-22 09:31:04Medical Emergency Rescue near Peaked Mountain in North Conway
Third Virus Vaccine Reaches Major Hurdle: Final US Testing
(WASHINGTON AP) – A third leading candidate COVID-19 vaccine has entered a final stage of human testing in the United States. AstraZeneca announced Monday its potential COVID-19 vaccine has entered final trials in the U.S. to test the effectiveness and safety of the product. The Cambridge, England-based company said the trial will involve up to 30,000 adults from various racial, ethnic and geographic groups. The potential vaccine was invented by the University of Oxford and an associated company, Vaccitech. Meanwhile, a U.S. advisory panel is suggesting a way to ration the first limited doses once a vaccine does prove safe and effective.
Click here for more information.
Memorial Hospital Reminds Parents to check Children’s Immunization Status
NORTH CONWAY, NH – The COVID-19 pandemic has led many families to postpone regular activities. For many families keeping up with immunizations and health visits for their children was one of those activities.
Dr. Wenda Saunders, a pediatrician at Memorial Hospital’s Mt. Washington Rural Health Care is encouraging families to get caught up with immunizations. “There has been a world-wide drop off in childhood immunizations and regular well-child visits because of COVID-19,” she says. “It is important for keeping your child healthy and for the health of your child’s classmates, day care mates, and friends.”
The Hospital and the Rural Health Center reduced access to hospital services during the early stages of the pandemic, including postponing some check-ups and other visits not deemed critical. Saunders notes that as the hospital has begun increasing access for patients, clinicians are making well-child visits and immunizations a priority. “We’re calling parents whose child had a visit affected by the hospital’s temporary reduction in services. To help schedule everyone we’ve added evening and weekend appointments to make it easier for parents to bring in their children.”
The Centers for Disease Control lists fourteen diseases preventable through vaccinations. These include the familiar measles, mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), and meningitis. Also on the list is polio which, though uncommon in the United States, is still seen in Africa, Asia and other areas of the world. While younger children receive most vaccines, Saunders also recommends the vaccination for the human papillomavirus, or HPV, for both girls and boys. The HPV vaccine is given in two or three doses beginning as soon as age 11. “The HPV vaccine reduces the risk of multiple types of cancers later in life, including cervical in females and oral cancers in males and females.”
Mt Washington Rural Health Practice Manager Lucy Williams says promoting health and preventing disease is the practice’s core mission, and her team has been working for several weeks to reschedule postponed appointments. “Reducing in-office appointments during the early stages of COVID-19 was the right thing to do to ensure patient safety. When we were able to increase access to services, we placed a high priority on well-child visits and immunizations as well as patients who missed appointments for chronic conditions.”
Health care providers, Williams says, learned more about the virus and how it spreads and made necessary adjustments to operations to safely increase access to in-person services. “We have transitioned our efforts to focus on preventive healthcare and have placed a high priority on routine well-child visits and immunizations.”
Williams adds that Mount Washington Valley Rural Health also expanded access by adding evening and weekend hours, and is now open seven days a week for appointments. Appointments can be requested through MyChart or by calling the office 603-356-5472.
New Hampshire to Receive $28 Million in Funding for First Year of Two-Year State Opioid Response Program
Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has received an award notification for the second phase of the State Opioid Response (SOR) Program. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will provide the first year of funding as part of a two-year, $56 million award to New Hampshire to continue the successes achieved during the State’s first two years of SOR funding, which launched the Doorway system and increased rural access to care.
New Hampshire received more than $55 million during the initial phase of SOR funding. Over the past two years, New Hampshire has rapidly deployed SOR funding to establish a sustainable access and delivery system to ensure better outcomes for residents with an opioid or substance use disorder. The Doorways-NH launched on January 1, 2019, to provide comprehensive, 24/7 statewide access to services and ensure that no one in New Hampshire has to travel more than 60 minutes to begin the process toward recovery.
“We are grateful for additional support from our federal partners to continue the success of all of the programs that have been stood up and enhanced, including the Doorways program,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Since the Doorways launched, about 15,000 residents have received a clinical evaluation, referred to treatment or received naloxone. The system works, and this funding will be used to continue to ensure that these critical services will be available to help any resident seeking help for their substance use. Anyone who is experiencing substance misuse is encouraged to call 2-1-1 to get connected to people who can help.”
“According to a recent CDC survey, about 13% of adults have increased their use of substances during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in New Hampshire, the Doorways have remained a valuable resource for individuals and families struggling with substance misuse,” said DHHS Commissioner Lori Shibinette. “The Doorways continue to see increasing requests for services, with almost 1,000 residents seeking help last month alone. Our State is fortunate to have this system in place to be able to offer around the clock access to anyone in need.”
The new SOR funds will allow the State to enhance existing investments to build capacity even further with the goal to establish stability and sustainability in the long term. The Doorways will be expanding in-person 24/7 coverage in high volume regions through this funding and additional needs will also be addressed, including overnight respite, stimulant misuse and expanding recovery support services.
For more information, and to view the State’s proposal submitted to SAMHSA, please visit For more information on SAMHSA’s SOR funding announcement, please see
Census Takers are Easy to Spot Across New Hampshire
WASHINGTON — The United States Census Bureau is actively conducting Non-Response Follow Up operations across every city, town, and municipality in the state to ensure a complete and accurate count of everyone living in the United States. By law, the Census Bureau must provide the first results from the 2020 Census by December 31st. To provide complete and accurate results by that deadline, we are doing everything we can to collect a response from every household by September 30th. We are urging households to respond, maximizing staff and production hours, and ensuring data quality along the way.
Following Health & Safety Guidelines
To ensure safety of all employees and residents, census takers are wearing masks and following social distancing guidelines. In most cases, census workers will make up to six attempts at each address to count possible residents—this is the same number of attempts we have been planning all along. Census takers will still visit homes during the originally planned hours—between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., local time, including on weekends, to reach people when they are more likely at home. Census takers are also calling some households to help them respond to the census, providing one more way to count hard-to-reach communities and people who have not yet responded.
We continue to urge households to respond through our multilingual advertising campaign and through the efforts of nearly 400,000 partner organizations. We urge everyone to respond now or when a census taker comes to your door—and to encourage everyone you know to do the same. We are even mailing an additional paper census questionnaire to many households that have not responded yet in low-responding areas.
Identifying Census Workers
The Census Bureau is attempting to complete data collection as quickly and safely as possible, while ensuring a complete and accurate count as it strives to comply with law and statutory deadlines. Identifying a Census Bureau employee can be accomplished by checking their ID badge, which includes:
Measuring Quality of Work
The United States Census Bureau has created a group of experienced field experts to closely monitor, evaluate, and resolve quality issues. Because census takers are using mobile devices instead of paper, we have a great deal of data about how long the census takers spend interviewing each respondent andwhere they physically were when the interview was conducted. We are carefully monitoring this information and using it to identify outliers. Based on those outliers, we may re-interview a portion of the census takers’ work to verify quality standards are met. The best way to avoid a visit from a census taker at home is to complete the 2020 Census online at
About 2020 Census
The U.S. Constitution mandates a head count, every ten years, of all residents living in the United States and its territories. Census counts determine how many seats each state is allocated in the U.S. House of Representative as well as how over $675 billion in federal dollars in distributed annually. Individual responses are protected by federal law, never to be shared with any other department, court, or law enforcement agency. Responding to the 2020 Census is easy with four ways to respond: online, by phone, by paper, or with the help of a census taker.
Medical Emergency Rescue near Peaked Mountain in North Conway
North Conway: On Thursday, August 27th shortly after 1:00 PM New Hampshire Fish and Game was notified that a hiker was in distress on the Middle Mountain Trail in the area of Peaked Mountain in North Conway. The hiker was Theodore Clancy, 76 of Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Theodore was hiking with his son, daughter in law and grandson. After hiking for about an hour Theodore began having chest pain and they phoned 911 for assistance. They were about a mile and a half from the trailhead.
Along with Conservation Officers members of North Conway Fire and Conway Fire departments responded. Paramedics were able to assess Theodore, provided treatment and monitor his condition. He was placed in a litter and carried to the trailhead. He arrived at the trailhead shortly after 4:00 PM and was transported by ambulance to the Memorial Hospital in North Conway. Ultimately he was transported by DHART to the Maine Medical Center for additional care.
Source: NH Fish and Game Press Release