North Conway, NH – Conway Police are seeking information about a road rage incident where a woman was allegedly egged. Conway Police posted on their Facebook page that on September 2nd following a road rage incident a man in a maroon full sized pick up truck drove to a local store and purchased eggs.
Photo Courtesy of Conway Police
He then covered his license plates with paper and drove back toward the woman’s vehicle, which was in the area of the L.L. Bean store in North Conway, and proceeded to throw eggs at the woman and her vehicle. The suspect then drove off.
Pictures of the suspect and his vehicle can be found on our website anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Conway Police at 603-356-5715. 18:08:412017-09-14 18:08:41Conway Police Looking To Identify Man Who Allegedly Egged A Woman And Her Car
North Conway, NH – The Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce is looking to recognize individuals and businesses that go above and beyond the call of duty. The Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2017 White Mountains Treasures Award.
The White Mountains Treasures Award honors individuals in Mt. Washington Valley who have given a “‘lifetime’” of “time and talent” to the Valley and exemplify that success is not measured by what they accomplish in life for themselves but by what they do for others and the community. Nominations are also being sought for 2017 Employer of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year awards.
Awards will be presented at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, Dinner & Awards event, Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at the Red Jacket Mountain View Resort in North Conway. Award nomination are due by Friday, October 7.
The Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce is a wonderful evening of business and social networking where Chamber members, elected officials and guests gather to review how the Chamber has advanced the local business environment and impacted the community during the previous year. A cocktail hour and silent auction follow the meeting, and lead into the dinner and the awards ceremony. Tickets to the event as well as sponsorships are available for purchase.
“We look forward to our Annual Meeting every year as a way of recognizing how far our community has come in the past year” says Janice Crawford, Executive Director of the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce. “One of the best ways to do that is by acknowledging those who have made a tremendous impact in helping our valley move forward. The awards presentation is our way of saying “thank you,” and providing much deserved appreciation to those individuals.
Paula Sullivan Jones Marketing & Communications
Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce
2617 White Mountain Highway, PO Box 2300, North Conway, NH 03860
603-356-5701 Ext. 304 12:58:262017-09-14 13:01:42Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce Seeks Nominations for 2017 Business and Community Awards
(L-R): Nancy Devine, Mountain Top Music Exec. Director George Weise, and Laura Riggs Mitchell join Settlers Green General Manager Dot Seybold at Settlers Green Streetside. ~ Photo courtesy of Laura Tuveson.
North Conway, NH – It’s an exciting time at Settlers Green, the area’s largest regional outlet mall. Settlers Green Streetside is now open with impressive brands including Polo Ralph Lauren, Columbia and Skechers. Besides shopping, Settlers Green has committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to “streetscape” furnishings, planting and sitting areas, and – most exciting – original art. Several original artworks have been installed in the outdoor center, creating a place to wander and take in murals and sculptures from around New England. The Grand Opening, scheduled for October 9-15, will provide an opportunity for the community to celebrate with live music, dancing, fireworks and more. The Streetside Grand Opening will also include a unique fundraising partnership with Mountain Top Music to help the organization reach a $2.8 million goal for the renovation and revitalization of the Majestic Theater in Conway as a community gathering place and a center for performance arts. Settlers Green has pledged to match up to $15,000 of all donations received by the organization from September 9 through the weekend of October 15 and the finale of the Streetside Grand Opening celebration.
Settlers Green has a long history of supporting community projects and has been part of several large capital campaigns including the North Conway Community Center, Starting Point shelter, the Gibson Senior Center and many more, with over $1.3 million in donations over the past 29 years. While planning the Streetside Grand Opening events, the Settlers Green development team sought opportunities to continue its commitment to supporting the arts within the Mt Washington Valley community. Mountain Top Music’s ambitious project not only complements the arts focus of the Streetside Art Project, but perfectly supplements the “Dancing In the Streets” theme of the grand opening festivities here. Thus, the commitment to match up to $15,000 of community funding was launched by Settlers Green’s management team, to make a $30,000 boost to the Mountain Top Music’s Majestic launch goal possible.
A fundraising station will be available throughout the Streetside Grand Opening celebration, and opportunities to donate will be numerous, from the Ribbon Cutting ceremony on October 10 to the grand finale fireworks on October 14th. Important to note however, is that all donations received by Mountain Top Music September 9-October 15th are eligible for the match including those made directly to the organization.
“The Settlers Green Management Team feels that the grand opening of the Settlers Green Streetside development provides a unique opportunity for partnership with a local non-profit supporting community arts,” said Dot Seybold, GM of the Settlers Green development. “The theme of the multi-day Streetside Grand Opening event is “Dancing in the Street” and includes a variety of live music and dance performances. The effort by Mountain Top Music to renovate and remake the Majestic Theater into a vibrant performing arts center and community gathering place is an ambitious project which deserves to benefit from this unique opportunity for partnership,” finished Seybold.
Mountain Top Music Executive Director George Wiese noted: “It’s really a double match opportunity as anyone donating today will have their dollars matched by both Settlers Green AND the Kendal and Anna Ham Foundation! The business community has been very supportive of our project and we are happy to team up with Settlers Green and their celebration to help push us over the top and start construction.”
Dancing in The Street will celebrate the grand opening of Settlers Green Streetside with a full line-up of musical themed events, community celebrations, shopping specials, art unveilings, giveaways and many opportunities to donate to Mountain Top Music’s community theater project. Even Settlers Green tenants are helping, with Brandli’s Pizza Pasta Grille donating 10-percent of all proceeds from sales on October 14 to the Majestic project. For a complete schedule of Grand Opening events, click here. To learn more about Settlers Green and its new Streetside expansion, visit To learn about the Streetside Art Project launch, click here. For a map of Settlers Green, including the new Streetside addition, click here.
Over 500,000 square feet of North Conway retail centers, including Settlers Green, Settlers Crossing and Settlers Corner are developed and managed by OVP Management, Inc. a Newton, Massachusetts based company with management offices in North Conway. For more information please contact General Manager, Dot Seybold at or for leasing information please contact Robert M. Barsamian at Additional details about the shopping centers located in North Conway, NH is available at or 13:51:242017-09-13 13:51:24Settlers Green Celebrates Street Side Opening By Matching Funds To Mountain Top Music
LEBANON, N.H. (AP) — A Rhode Island man accused of fatally shooting his mother in the intensive care unit of New Hampshire’s largest hospital is set to be arraigned on murder charges.
Authorities say Travis Frink signed into the visitor center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon on Tuesday and went to the intensive care unit, where there were reports of shots fired soon after.
Attorney General Gordon MacDonald identifies the shooting victim as Frink’s 70-year-old mother, Pamela Ferriere, of Groton. He says the 49-year-old Frink, of Warwick, Rhode Island, went to the hospital with the intent of killing her. He says more than one shot was fired but no one else was injured.
Authorities say Frink was detained as he tried to leave the hospital. Frink is in custody and can’t be reached for comment. 09:51:362017-09-13 09:51:36Rhode Island Man Arrested For Allegedly Killing His Mother At Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
40 rescuers from several agencies and New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officers from across the state responded to carry out 27-year-old Travis Newell from the Kilkenny Range ~ Photo Courtesy of New Hampshire Fish and Game
Kilkenny, NH – A hiker spent the night in the White Mountain National Forest after falling 15 feet this weekend. Fish and Game Officials said that 27-year-old Travis Newell of Durham Connecticut was hiking Roger’s Ledge in the Kilkenny Range when he fell injuring his ankle at around 10pm. Authorities decided it was best for Newell to stay out overnight and to start a rescue Monday morning.
At 5:30am Monday Newell called authorities to update them on his condition. Conservation Officers were called from all over the state to help with this carry out as well as AMC search and rescue, Androscoggin Valley Search and Rescue team and a wilderness first responder class from SOLO in Conway. All together 40 rescue personnel were used for this long, grueling hike and carry out.
Teams hiked to Rogers Ledge and began the extraction 12:47 PM on Monday. Rescuers carried Newell over 4.5 miles to the trail head at South Pond in Stark arriving at 4:37 PM. Where they were met by Groveton Ambulance personnel who transported Newell to Weeks Hospital in Lancaster for treatment. 15:27:032017-09-12 15:27:03Hiker Spends The Night On Roger’s Ledge After Falling 15 Feet
Conway Police Looking To Identify Man Who Allegedly Egged A Woman And Her Car
North Conway, NH – Conway Police are seeking information about a road rage incident where a woman was allegedly egged. Conway Police posted on their Facebook page that on September 2nd following a road rage incident a man in a maroon full sized pick up truck drove to a local store and purchased eggs.
He then covered his license plates with paper and drove back toward the woman’s vehicle, which was in the area of the L.L. Bean store in North Conway, and proceeded to throw eggs at the woman and her vehicle. The suspect then drove off.
Pictures of the suspect and his vehicle can be found on our website anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Conway Police at 603-356-5715.
Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce Seeks Nominations for 2017 Business and Community Awards
North Conway, NH – The Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce is looking to recognize individuals and businesses that go above and beyond the call of duty. The Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2017 White Mountains Treasures Award.
The White Mountains Treasures Award honors individuals in Mt. Washington Valley who have given a “‘lifetime’” of “time and talent” to the Valley and exemplify that success is not measured by what they accomplish in life for themselves but by what they do for others and the community. Nominations are also being sought for 2017 Employer of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year awards.
Awards will be presented at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, Dinner & Awards event, Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at the Red Jacket Mountain View Resort in North Conway. Award nomination are due by Friday, October 7.
The Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce is a wonderful evening of business and social networking where Chamber members, elected officials and guests gather to review how the Chamber has advanced the local business environment and impacted the community during the previous year. A cocktail hour and silent auction follow the meeting, and lead into the dinner and the awards ceremony. Tickets to the event as well as sponsorships are available for purchase.
“We look forward to our Annual Meeting every year as a way of recognizing how far our community has come in the past year” says Janice Crawford, Executive Director of the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce. “One of the best ways to do that is by acknowledging those who have made a tremendous impact in helping our valley move forward. The awards presentation is our way of saying “thank you,” and providing much deserved appreciation to those individuals.
Award nomination forms, criteria, and more information can be found at or contact
Story Contributions by
Paula Sullivan Jones
Marketing & Communications
Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce
2617 White Mountain Highway, PO Box 2300, North Conway, NH 03860
603-356-5701 Ext. 304
Settlers Green Celebrates Street Side Opening By Matching Funds To Mountain Top Music
(L-R): Nancy Devine, Mountain Top Music Exec. Director George Weise, and Laura Riggs Mitchell join Settlers Green General Manager Dot Seybold at Settlers Green Streetside. ~ Photo courtesy of Laura Tuveson.
North Conway, NH – It’s an exciting time at Settlers Green, the area’s largest regional outlet mall. Settlers Green Streetside is now open with impressive brands including Polo Ralph Lauren, Columbia and Skechers. Besides shopping, Settlers Green has committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to “streetscape” furnishings, planting and sitting areas, and – most exciting – original art. Several original artworks have been installed in the outdoor center, creating a place to wander and take in murals and sculptures from around New England. The Grand Opening, scheduled for October 9-15, will provide an opportunity for the community to celebrate with live music, dancing, fireworks and more. The Streetside Grand Opening will also include a unique fundraising partnership with Mountain Top Music to help the organization reach a $2.8 million goal for the renovation and revitalization of the Majestic Theater in Conway as a community gathering place and a center for performance arts. Settlers Green has pledged to match up to $15,000 of all donations received by the organization from September 9 through the weekend of October 15 and the finale of the Streetside Grand Opening celebration.
Settlers Green has a long history of supporting community projects and has been part of several large capital campaigns including the North Conway Community Center, Starting Point shelter, the Gibson Senior Center and many more, with over $1.3 million in donations over the past 29 years. While planning the Streetside Grand Opening events, the Settlers Green development team sought opportunities to continue its commitment to supporting the arts within the Mt Washington Valley community. Mountain Top Music’s ambitious project not only complements the arts focus of the Streetside Art Project, but perfectly supplements the “Dancing In the Streets” theme of the grand opening festivities here. Thus, the commitment to match up to $15,000 of community funding was launched by Settlers Green’s management team, to make a $30,000 boost to the Mountain Top Music’s Majestic launch goal possible.
A fundraising station will be available throughout the Streetside Grand Opening celebration, and opportunities to donate will be numerous, from the Ribbon Cutting ceremony on October 10 to the grand finale fireworks on October 14th. Important to note however, is that all donations received by Mountain Top Music September 9-October 15th are eligible for the match including those made directly to the organization.
“The Settlers Green Management Team feels that the grand opening of the Settlers Green Streetside development provides a unique opportunity for partnership with a local non-profit supporting community arts,” said Dot Seybold, GM of the Settlers Green development. “The theme of the multi-day Streetside Grand Opening event is “Dancing in the Street” and includes a variety of live music and dance performances. The effort by Mountain Top Music to renovate and remake the Majestic Theater into a vibrant performing arts center and community gathering place is an ambitious project which deserves to benefit from this unique opportunity for partnership,” finished Seybold.
Mountain Top Music Executive Director George Wiese noted: “It’s really a double match opportunity as anyone donating today will have their dollars matched by both Settlers Green AND the Kendal and Anna Ham Foundation! The business community has been very supportive of our project and we are happy to team up with Settlers Green and their celebration to help push us over the top and start construction.”
Dancing in The Street will celebrate the grand opening of Settlers Green Streetside with a full line-up of musical themed events, community celebrations, shopping specials, art unveilings, giveaways and many opportunities to donate to Mountain Top Music’s community theater project. Even Settlers Green tenants are helping, with Brandli’s Pizza Pasta Grille donating 10-percent of all proceeds from sales on October 14 to the Majestic project. For a complete schedule of Grand Opening events, click here. To learn more about Settlers Green and its new Streetside expansion, visit To learn about the Streetside Art Project launch, click here. For a map of Settlers Green, including the new Streetside addition, click here.
Over 500,000 square feet of North Conway retail centers, including Settlers Green, Settlers Crossing and Settlers Corner are developed and managed by OVP Management, Inc. a Newton, Massachusetts based company with management offices in North Conway. For more information please contact General Manager, Dot Seybold at or for leasing information please contact Robert M. Barsamian at Additional details about the shopping centers located in North Conway, NH is available at or
Rhode Island Man Arrested For Allegedly Killing His Mother At Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
LEBANON, N.H. (AP) — A Rhode Island man accused of fatally shooting his mother in the intensive care unit of New Hampshire’s largest hospital is set to be arraigned on murder charges.
Authorities say Travis Frink signed into the visitor center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon on Tuesday and went to the intensive care unit, where there were reports of shots fired soon after.
Attorney General Gordon MacDonald identifies the shooting victim as Frink’s 70-year-old mother, Pamela Ferriere, of Groton. He says the 49-year-old Frink, of Warwick, Rhode Island, went to the hospital with the intent of killing her. He says more than one shot was fired but no one else was injured.
Authorities say Frink was detained as he tried to leave the hospital. Frink is in custody and can’t be reached for comment.
Hiker Spends The Night On Roger’s Ledge After Falling 15 Feet
Kilkenny, NH – A hiker spent the night in the White Mountain National Forest after falling 15 feet this weekend. Fish and Game Officials said that 27-year-old Travis Newell of Durham Connecticut was hiking Roger’s Ledge in the Kilkenny Range when he fell injuring his ankle at around 10pm. Authorities decided it was best for Newell to stay out overnight and to start a rescue Monday morning.
At 5:30am Monday Newell called authorities to update them on his condition. Conservation Officers were called from all over the state to help with this carry out as well as AMC search and rescue, Androscoggin Valley Search and Rescue team and a wilderness first responder class from SOLO in Conway. All together 40 rescue personnel were used for this long, grueling hike and carry out.
Teams hiked to Rogers Ledge and began the extraction 12:47 PM on Monday. Rescuers carried Newell over 4.5 miles to the trail head at South Pond in Stark arriving at 4:37 PM. Where they were met by Groveton Ambulance personnel who transported Newell to Weeks Hospital in Lancaster for treatment.