Former Mount Washington Radio Owner Skip Sherman (left) sits with long time Morning Weather Show Observer Briggs Bunker (right). ~ Photo Courtesy of Karen Williams
NORTH CONWAY, NH – After over 40 years a Mount Washington Valley legend has passed the weather vane.
This Morning (Monday) WMWV local weather observer Briggs Bunker gave his last weather rating for the day.
The home weather rating has been a Valley tradition since 1959, where a local weather observer talks live on air about the local weather and then rates the day on a scale of 5 cents to 50 cents.
After his final rating Briggs passed on his weatherly duties to winter weather observer Ed Bergeron.
You can listen to Briggs’ final rating sponsored by Reliable Oil and Propane and the live passing of the weather observer torch below.
New Morning Weather Show observer Ed Bergeron stands next to WMWV Morning Show host Roy Prescott during the “passing of the weather show torch” Monday Morning in the WMWV Studios. ~ Photo Courtesy of Christian Mower
Bergeron is no stranger to the morning weather show, he has been reporting and rating the weather on the Morning weather show during the winter months for Briggs for the past several years.
Briggs has been observing and reporting the weather on 93.5 WMWV since 1973, taking over the roll from AMC Hut system founder Joe Dodge.
Originally called the White Mountain Bank Home Weather Rating for the day, the program was hosted by Joe Dodge. Listeners could even get their own White Mountain Bank Home weather rating piggy banks to keep their weather rating change in.
In his final weather rating Briggs gave the day a 50 cent rating, a perfect day. Morning Show host Roy Prescott upped it to $1 in honor of the 44 wonderful years Briggs has been on the air giving us the days weather. 10:55:282018-05-21 12:48:07Briggs Bunker Passes Weather Observer Torch To Ed Bergeron
A panel of expert travel and adventure journalists partnered with USA Today editors to pick 20 nominees. Readers then vote for their favorites, and the ten best at garnering votes make it to the esteemed list.
The top 10 winners in 10Best Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Small Town for Adventure are as follows:
Marquette, MI.
Florence, OR
Watkins Glen, NY
Sedona, AZ
Jim Thorpe, PA
Everglades City, FL
North Conway, NH
Blowing Rock, NC
Bar Harbor, ME
Jackson Hole, WY
The article reads “Set amid the sprawling White Mountain National Forest, North Conway offers visitors access to Mount Washington and the accompanying four seasons recreation,” 10Best experts wrote. “During the snowy months, the area boasts some of the region’s best skiing and snowmobiling, while summer is excellent for hiking, golfing, fishing and camping. Fall leaf peeping is some of the best in the country.”
This is the second time in the past six months North Conway has been nominated for a 10Best Readers’ Choice Travel Award.
Last November, North Conway was nominated as the Best Ski Town, and ended up being voted the #1 Ski Town in North America. 06:05:502018-05-21 08:20:54North Conway Voted Among 10 Best Small Town For Year-Round Adventure
CONWAY, NH – The Conway Covered Bridge will be closed Tuesday. The New Hampshire Department of Transportation has announced repair work is planned on the Saco River Covered Bridge on East Side Road in Conway Tuesday.
A NHDOT bridge maintenance crew will be repairing minor damage caused to the north portal end of the bridge when it was struck by a tractor trailer in late April.
The project will require that the bridge be closed to traffic from 8:00 am until 2:30 pm. Signs will alert motorists to the bridge closure.
PLYMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — The New Hampshire Electric Cooperative and union workers say they’ve reached a tentative agreement on new contract.
Members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1837 went on strike May 7. Their contract expired April 30.
The union said a ratification vote was planned Thursday morning. The NHEC said the contract would need to be approved its board of directors, expected early next week.
A main sticking point was the utility’s provision to allow for changing pension and retirement plans for lineworkers without negotiation. The utility said with a federal mediator’s help Wednesday, an agreement was reached doesn’t include language the union had objected to. It also provides for modest increases in pay and pension benefits.
The union represents 85 workers. The utility has 84,000 customers in 115 communities. 11:25:362018-05-17 11:25:36NHEC And Union Workers Reach Tentative Agreement
GLEN, NH – The family of a young girl from Glen is looking for help as their little girl battles for her life.
Brooklyn Flag of Glen was an average 6-year-old girl born at Memorial Hospital and attending school at Bartlett Elementary School until one day Brooklyn came down with strep and her mom Jeanne noticed something wasn’t quite right.
“I didn’t think she looked right, she was so pale. The Pediatrician was amazing. He did a little feeling around in her belly and determined her liver was enlarged. Which was a dead give away.” Jeanne said adding “They did some blood work and she was flown to Maine Med because her blood levels were so low”
Last Tuesday it was confirmed Brooklyn has Leukemia.
Jeanne said that Brooklyn’s treatments will take about 2 years, which means a lot of expenses in addition to the medical expenses.
According to a fund raising page set up to help Brooklyn “there is a long road to remission ahead of Brooklyn and her family, and lots of medical expenses…any amount will help get Brooklyn to the life saving appointments she needs to beat Leukemia and grow healthy and strong”
Jeanne said that though it has only been two weeks since Brooklyn’s diagnosis she’s doing well, and in high spirits.
The fundraising page also notes that Brooklyn is “a tough little 6 year old and she is going to fight this the only way she knows how, to fight like a girl!”
Jeanne noted that they are so thankful for all of the well wishes, prayers, and donations from the community. She said “It has definitely helped us get through the days.”
As of Wednesday the fundraiser has raised over $1,700 of their $2,000 goal donated by 45 donors. 13:49:102018-05-16 14:00:18Family Of 6-Year-Old Glen Girl Diagnosed With Leukemia Looking For Help
Briggs Bunker Passes Weather Observer Torch To Ed Bergeron
NORTH CONWAY, NH – After over 40 years a Mount Washington Valley legend has passed the weather vane.
This Morning (Monday) WMWV local weather observer Briggs Bunker gave his last weather rating for the day.
The home weather rating has been a Valley tradition since 1959, where a local weather observer talks live on air about the local weather and then rates the day on a scale of 5 cents to 50 cents.
After his final rating Briggs passed on his weatherly duties to winter weather observer Ed Bergeron.
You can listen to Briggs’ final rating sponsored by Reliable Oil and Propane and the live passing of the weather observer torch below.
Bergeron is no stranger to the morning weather show, he has been reporting and rating the weather on the Morning weather show during the winter months for Briggs for the past several years.
Briggs has been observing and reporting the weather on 93.5 WMWV since 1973, taking over the roll from AMC Hut system founder Joe Dodge.
Originally called the White Mountain Bank Home Weather Rating for the day, the program was hosted by Joe Dodge. Listeners could even get their own White Mountain Bank Home weather rating piggy banks to keep their weather rating change in.
In his final weather rating Briggs gave the day a 50 cent rating, a perfect day. Morning Show host Roy Prescott upped it to $1 in honor of the 44 wonderful years Briggs has been on the air giving us the days weather.
North Conway Voted Among 10 Best Small Town For Year-Round Adventure
NORTH CONWAY, NH – North Conway was named the seventh-best small town for year-round adventure by USA Today’s 10Best Reader’s Choice Travel Awards.
A panel of expert travel and adventure journalists partnered with USA Today editors to pick 20 nominees. Readers then vote for their favorites, and the ten best at garnering votes make it to the esteemed list.
The top 10 winners in 10Best Reader’s Choice Awards for Best Small Town for Adventure are as follows:
Marquette, MI.
Florence, OR
Watkins Glen, NY
Sedona, AZ
Jim Thorpe, PA
Everglades City, FL
North Conway, NH
Blowing Rock, NC
Bar Harbor, ME
Jackson Hole, WY
The article reads “Set amid the sprawling White Mountain National Forest, North Conway offers visitors access to Mount Washington and the accompanying four seasons recreation,” 10Best experts wrote. “During the snowy months, the area boasts some of the region’s best skiing and snowmobiling, while summer is excellent for hiking, golfing, fishing and camping. Fall leaf peeping is some of the best in the country.”
This is the second time in the past six months North Conway has been nominated for a 10Best Readers’ Choice Travel Award.
Last November, North Conway was nominated as the Best Ski Town, and ended up being voted the #1 Ski Town in North America.
Conway Covered Bridge Closed Tuesday
CONWAY, NH – The Conway Covered Bridge will be closed Tuesday. The New Hampshire Department of Transportation has announced repair work is planned on the Saco River Covered Bridge on East Side Road in Conway Tuesday.
A NHDOT bridge maintenance crew will be repairing minor damage caused to the north portal end of the bridge when it was struck by a tractor trailer in late April.
The project will require that the bridge be closed to traffic from 8:00 am until 2:30 pm. Signs will alert motorists to the bridge closure.
NHEC And Union Workers Reach Tentative Agreement
PLYMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — The New Hampshire Electric Cooperative and union workers say they’ve reached a tentative agreement on new contract.
Members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1837 went on strike May 7. Their contract expired April 30.
The union said a ratification vote was planned Thursday morning. The NHEC said the contract would need to be approved its board of directors, expected early next week.
A main sticking point was the utility’s provision to allow for changing pension and retirement plans for lineworkers without negotiation. The utility said with a federal mediator’s help Wednesday, an agreement was reached doesn’t include language the union had objected to. It also provides for modest increases in pay and pension benefits.
The union represents 85 workers. The utility has 84,000 customers in 115 communities.
Family Of 6-Year-Old Glen Girl Diagnosed With Leukemia Looking For Help
GLEN, NH – The family of a young girl from Glen is looking for help as their little girl battles for her life.
Brooklyn Flag of Glen was an average 6-year-old girl born at Memorial Hospital and attending school at Bartlett Elementary School until one day Brooklyn came down with strep and her mom Jeanne noticed something wasn’t quite right.
“I didn’t think she looked right, she was so pale. The Pediatrician was amazing. He did a little feeling around in her belly and determined her liver was enlarged. Which was a dead give away.” Jeanne said adding “They did some blood work and she was flown to Maine Med because her blood levels were so low”
Last Tuesday it was confirmed Brooklyn has Leukemia.
Jeanne said that Brooklyn’s treatments will take about 2 years, which means a lot of expenses in addition to the medical expenses.
According to a fund raising page set up to help Brooklyn “there is a long road to remission ahead of Brooklyn and her family, and lots of medical expenses…any amount will help get Brooklyn to the life saving appointments she needs to beat Leukemia and grow healthy and strong”
Jeanne said that though it has only been two weeks since Brooklyn’s diagnosis she’s doing well, and in high spirits.
The fundraising page also notes that Brooklyn is “a tough little 6 year old and she is going to fight this the only way she knows how, to fight like a girl!”
Jeanne noted that they are so thankful for all of the well wishes, prayers, and donations from the community. She said “It has definitely helped us get through the days.”
As of Wednesday the fundraiser has raised over $1,700 of their $2,000 goal donated by 45 donors.
Those wishing to help can by donating to a youcaringfundraiser set up for Brooklyn and her family by clicking here.