Plans for 2020 graduations are on hold due to the lack of information about the states reopening for large gatherings but Mount Washington Radio Group’s stations Magic 104.5/98.1 and WMWV have come up with an innovative way for friends, family members and school faculty members to reach out to their graduates and celebrate with them.
Knowing how strong of a medium radio is to get messages out, the team at Mount Washington Radio Group saw a positive way they could serve their community. With several high schools and many elementary schools, pre-schools, and colleges in Carroll County, Berlin and Gorham and Western Maine, there will be thousands of students graduating this spring in the WMWV and Magic listening area.
As soon as schools adopted the remote learning model for the rest of the year, the Mount Washington Radio Group’s team reached out to the community for their support. Without hesitation, RWN Property Services, Profile Subaru, Grants Shop n Save, Mountain Center Physical Therapy, Northeast Credit Union, Zebs General Store, Veno’s Specialty Foods and Meats, Farm to Table/Yankee Smokehouse and Tyler Ryan Design/D J Graphyx answered the call to help.
The stations then set up a dedicated voicemail number where messages for graduates can be left. Graduates themselves are also encouraged to leave messages for those who have helped them through the years. The programming department will then take those messages and put them on WMWV and Magic 104 for everyone to hear as well as play song dedications. On June 13th there will be a special, commercial free 3 hour party from 6-9 with a custom music playlist put together by DJ Graphyx.
If you would like to leave a voicemail for your 2020 graduate or have a special song dedication, please call 913-356-9145. Messages will be aired between 6 am and 10 pm.