BERLIN, NH – The new Berlin Blackjacks will be taking over the ice at Notre Dame Arena starting this Saturday.

The Blackjacks are among the first American teams to be added to the Ligue Nord-Americaine de Hockey, a minor-level professional hockey league based out of Quebec. LNAH translates to the North American Hockey League and is regarded as a more respected hockey league than the Federal Hockey League of which the River Drivers were a part of.

According to Wikipedia the LNAH differs from other leagues because it lacks a veteran limit rule, which allows teams to stock up on experienced players.

The league is also considered by fans as being the toughest league in the world.

News Director Christian Mower spoke with Blackjack Team President Mark Dorval Thursday about the new team and what hockey lovers can expect this coming season. You can listen to the interview below.


The Blackjacks play the Thetford Assurancia Friday (9/28/18) in Thetford Mines Quebec, and have their first ever home game at Notre Dame Arena Saturday night (9/29/18) at 7:30pm.


For the latest information on Blackjacks’ hockey check out their their facebook page.


17-year-old Ramsie Taylor was killed when a dump truck struck her vehicle Wednesday morning ~ Photo courtesy of Ossipee Police

OSSIPEE, NH –  A car accident in Ossipee took the life of a 17-year-old girl yesterday morning. Ossipee Detective-Sergeant Robert J. King Jr. said that at 7:14am police responded to a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Routes 28 and 171.

Police said a dump truck being driven by 61-year-old Joseph Goodrow of Alton was headed north on Route 28 when it struck a Chevy Cobalt driven by Ramsie Taylor of Wolfeboro as she entered the intersection from Water Village Road. Authorities said Taylor was killed upon impact.

Investigators said that speed and alcohol do not appear to be factors.

Investigators with state police are checking the truck for mechanical problems as they try to figure out what happened.

Kingswood Principal Guy Donnelly told the Conway Daily Sun that Taylor was a senior at Kingswood regional High School, and they will have counselors available for students who need them.

Ossipee Town officials said the crash should never have happened, noting that they have been lobbying the state to fix the intersection for years.

WMUR-TV reports that there have been 65 milti-vehicle accidents at that intersection, including multiple fatalities since 2010.

HOLLIS, N.H. (AP) — Tourism officials in New Hampshire are projecting a slight increase in the numbers of visitors and the amount spent this fall in the state.

The New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism Development on Monday projected that 3 million out-of-state visitors who spend the night will spend $1.4 billion in the state. That would mark a 4.5 percent increase for visitors and a 5 percent increase for spending.

The fall season is considered the second most important travel season in New Hampshire, representing a quarter of all the visitations. Scenic drives and outdoor recreation are among the most popular activities for visitors.

Early projections are that this fall season should be a good one, with a University of New Hampshire scientist suggesting there will be vibrant fall colors.

Two teens were injured when a vehicle they were in rolled over in North Conway September 18th. ~ Photo courtesy of Conway Police

NORTH CONWAY, NH – A group of teens were injured during a Conway car accident on Tuesday. According to Conway Police Lt. Christopher Mattei Police responded to a rollover at the intersection of Randall Farm Road and Beechnut Road in North Conway at around 6:09 pm.

Lt. Mattie said that though the accident remains under investigation it appears that the 16-year-old driver was headed down Beechnut and was unable to navigate the turn onto Randall Farm Road. The car then allegedly went across the road, striking a large rock. It rolled over and came to a rest on the passenger side, trapping two of the occupants inside.

Authorities said that two of the juveniles were transported to Memorial Hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries. 

The names of the driver and passenger were not released due to their age, but police did say that all three were from the Conway area.

Lt. Mattie said that speed does appear to be a factor in the crash and that charges may be pending.


DURHAM, N.H. – If past banner leaf peeping seasons are an indication of future years’ color, this year could be a favorable year for New England’s fall foliage season, according to a scientist with the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of New Hampshire.

Experiment station researcher Heidi Asbjornsen, associate professor of natural resources and the environment in the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, explains that in the fall when leaves start to senesce, chlorophyll is degraded. This allows carotenoids, which have yellow, orange, and sometimes red colors, to be expressed. During this time, anthocyanin concentrations, which have darker red to purple colors, also can increase in the leaves.

Historical trends suggest that, in general, good foliage years occur when springs are fairly mild and wet, sufficient rainfall occurs in the summer, and in particular, late summer and early autumn have lots of warm, sunny days and clear, cool nights. Thus far, New Hampshire has continued to experience unseasonably warm days with abundant sunshine, while nighttime temperatures have overall been above average. The forecast for the New England region calls for a continuation of above-normal temperatures associated with the El Nino that NOAA predicts will strengthen this fall and into the winter of 2018-19, since this would keep the polar jet stream further north than usual.

“This year has been relatively wet, with the exception of periods of moderately dry conditions and periods without substantial rainfall between May and July. Certainly, in August we saw frequent rainstorms and overall wet conditions. We also experienced unusually hot and humid conditions this year, but in general, rainfall and sunshine tend to be more important factors determining fall foliage colors than temperature,” Asbjornsen says. “Leaves also have remained relatively healthy this year, due to a lack of widespread pest or pathogen outbreaks, which would tend to support more favorable fall foliage.”

Asbjornsen is also interested in the possible effects that drought may have on NH forests, including potential implications for fall foliage. “There is some evidence from recent studies suggesting that more drought in the autumn can delay peak of redness for some species such as red maple, white oak, while other species may exhibit earlier redness peaks. These include sugar maple, black birch, shagbark hickory, beech, red oak,” Asbjornsen says. “For sugar maple in particular, warmer temperatures during September and October appear to be especially important in producing higher intensity of red leaves. In contrast, more frosts in October tend to reduce red intensities.”

Additionally, certain types of stress, such as droughts, can cause more of these anthocyanins to build up in the leaves, resulting in more intense and vibrant fall foliage colors. Although scientists don’t yet have a good understanding about how the timing and severity of drought may affect anthocyanin production and foliage colors, in general scientists expect that some drought stress during the growing season may lead to enhanced foliage colors.

“Although there hasn’t been much work specifically focused on the effects of moisture stress on fall foliage colors, it’s interesting to note that despite the severe drought that we experienced throughout much of New England in late summer of 2016, the display of foliage colors that year was still quite spectacular,” she says.

Asbjornsen says that the understanding of interactions between all the various environmental factors that affect anthocyanin production and expression is still very poor. “The factors that influence foliage color are complex. For example, there are other pigments in the leaves that interact with anthocyanins and can affect color expression while different species also may show very different responses to the same environmental conditions.”

Going forward, she says the possible effects of climate change – especially increases in the frequency and severity of drought — on foliage color timing and intensity is especially important for ecotourism, and more research is needed in this area.

This material is based upon work supported by the NH Agricultural Experiment Station, through joint funding of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 1003450, and the state of New Hampshire.

Story Contributed by:
Lori Wright, NH Agricultural Experiment Station

65-year-old Arnold Nash has been found after escaping from a minimum security prison in Maine on Thursday. ~ Photo courtesy of the Maine Department of Corrections.


PORTLAND, ME (AP) — A convicted murderer who escaped for a third time from prison has been captured, law enforcement authorities said Tuesday.

A sheriff’s deputy found 65-year-old Arnold Nash walking along a road Tuesday morning in Dover-Foxcroft, in Piscataquis County, state police spokesman Steve McCausland said. He was last seen Thursday evening at the minimum-security unit at Mountain View Correctional Facility in Charleston, several miles down the road from where he was found.

Nash was serving a 45-year sentence for killing his former neighbor in 1991. He was due to be released last year and had previously escaped from Maine Correctional Center in Windham in 1973 and from the Maine State Prison in 1981.

Nash was taken to Piscataquis County Jail, McCausland said. The Maine Department of Corrections will attempt to determine where Nash has been since Thursday night, he said.

“The corrections officials can learn where he has been, and whether our search efforts were close. They were extensive over the weekend,” McCausland said, adding that bloodhounds were used to try to find Nash. “Having that information would be helpful as we prepare for future searches and manhunts.”

Nash has been charged with escape, which is a felony, said Piscataquis County Sheriff Robert Young. He has been transferred to the custody of the Department of Corrections, Young said.

It was unclear on Tuesday morning what Nash’s next stop would be or whether he was represented by a lawyer, he said.

Corrections Commissioner Joseph Fitzpatrick floated the theory on Monday that Nash had spent much of his life in prison and that his escape may have been his way of ensuring he would go back to prison.

But Young said on Tuesday that Nash “wasn’t trying to run, but he wasn’t trying to be caught,” and that the apprehension was a case of a deputy “being in the right place at the right time.”

Fitzpatrick had called on the public to offer any tips they had about Nash’s whereabouts, and stressed that “we do consider Mr. Nash dangerous.”

Nash was due to be released in December 2019, thanks to credits for time served in jail and good behavior. He was convicted of killing the neighbor in North Sullivan, a small community about 145 miles northwest of Portland.