The day before the Town election in Conway, municipal budget committee member Greydon Turner was charged with felony manufacturing marijuana. Turner was the second individual to be arrested in the case involving a mobile home at 18 Colbath Street that was converted to facilitate the manufacturing of marijuana. Daniel Davis was first charged after being found on scene as police raided the mobile home. The Conway Daily Sun reports Turner as saying he still feels capable of serving the needs of the community on the planning board but says that will ultimately be up to the voters. Town elections are going on today from 8am to 7pm.

Town elections are today in Conway. The ballot features elections of School Board members, Town Officials, as well as articles on facility maintenance, salaries and benefits, and more. Beyond the ballot this election will have far reaching consequences, however. Elected officials will take crucial roles in shaping budgets and taxes; school board officials will influence whether or not the district resists the statewide Learn Everywhere initiative; municipal officials will play a crucial role in the discussion of whether or not dogs should be required to be leashed in Whitaker Woods or what the zoning rules will look like and thus, the housing situation in Conway. Voting will take place by ballot at the Conway Community Building, also known as the Recreation Center, from 8am to 7pm tomorrow.

After receiving a tip on Saturday, April 6th, Conway Police discovered that a mobile home at 18 Colbath Street in Conway was being used primarily to grow marijuana. Officers report the mobile home had sophisticated lighting, ventilation and filtration set up to create a favorable environment for the many plants seized during the raid. The manufacturing of marijuana is a felony in New Hampshire. Daniel Davis, who was found on scene, was immediately taken into custody on the charge of manufacturing of marijuana. Investigators say they later learned of the involvement of another man they identify as Greydon Turner, who was also taken into custody this morning (4/8/19) on the charge of manufacturing marijuana. Both suspects were bailed and are expected to be in Carroll County Superior Court on April 18th.

A wild tiger was witnessed roaming 100 Acre Woods earlier today, concerning local officials. Zoology expert Christopher Robin was quoted as saying, “I shouldn’t worry too much, he’ll probably bounce around a bunch before finding his way home again.” But Conway PD are reportedly worried, citing children on the trail networks as a veritable feast for the tiger. Police Chief Edward Wagner says, “What I want to know is how the tiger ended up in the area? It’s not like we have a local zoo.” That question was quickly resolved when Believe in Books Literacy Foundation came forward admitting guilt. Nate Sawyer issued a brief statement saying, “We invited the tiger to check out our grounds in preparation for his visit at our Storybook Character Breakfast on April 13th. Never did we imagine he would cause such a fuss.”


Enjoy this fake news in celebration of April Fools Day 2019.

The Manchester VA Medical Center will pilot the Department of Veteran’s Affairs effort to turn their VA Hospitals into High Reliability Organizations. VA Manchester Medical Center director Alfred Montoya Jr says, “We are proud to be selected as first in the nation to lead VHA’s journey to High Reliability.” High Reliability Organizations, as a concept, started with complex environments such as aviation and nuclear energy and put procedures in place that maximize safety and minimize harm. The Department of Veterans affairs says this will empower Veterans and their family caregivers, along with employees that work directly with Veterans, to make decisions and impact improvements within the system. Once the system has been implemented at the Manchester VA, 17 other facilities nationwide are slated to follow. The Manchester VA will be holding an informational fair from 10-2 this Friday at the North Conway Grand Hotel.

Voters who need to register or change their information before the April 9th election have until Tuesday, March 26th at 7:30pm to do so. This includes anyone who may have moved within the town of Conway itself for those wishing to vote within their correct precinct. Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session specifically at the Town Hall in Center Conway on that day from 7pm to 7:30pm. Voters are asked to bring proof of identity, age, citizenship, and domicile. Those who cannot provide proof may still register if they sign an affidavit swearing to their qualifications of identity, age, and citizenship. For more information, go to the Town website.

Soon to be former Executive Director of the Conway Area Humane Society Virginia Moore has announced her resignation of the non-profit. Moore made first mention of the decision in a social media post this past Saturday saying, “The shelter and I have decided that we are going in different directions and it is best to part ways.” She also made note of all the people she wanted to thank for the 14 year journey and stated that she wished the best to all the staff who, “dedicate their lives to walking, cleaning up after, feeding and loving the cats and dogs who end up in the shelter’s care through no fault of their own.” Today the Conway Area Humane Society’s facebook page made its own announcement thanking Virginia for her tireless dedication and explaining they didn’t announce her resignation until now so that she could make the announcement on her own in her own way.