The Tin Mountain Conservation Center will be holding its 21st Annual Meeting and Field day this Saturday at the Nature Learning Center in Albany. They’re starting the day with four different morning field trips. Birder and Tin Mountain Trustee Will Broussard will be leading a Birding Trip to the Brownfield Bog at 7am. That group meets at the gas station on Route 5 in Brownfield. The three other trips start at the Nature Learning Center. Redlining the Rockwell Sanctuary starts at 8am with Lori Kinsey and Dexter Harding; a Wildflower Walk starts at 10am with Matt Maloney; and an Insect Exploration for Kids starts at 10am with Phaedra Demers. The annual Awards and Meeting begin at 11:30am and at 1:00 the Keynote speaker, Dr. Alan Eaton, will give a presentation on Beneficial Insects and Where to Find Them.


White Mountain Waldorf School will be holding their Mayfair this Saturday from 10-1 at the North Conway Community Center. The community is invited to this event where the youngest children will dance in a circle, wrapping ribbons of all colors around the maypole. Heather Burnell of the White Mountain Waldorf School says that the once-agricultural celebration now celebrates the stronger healthier connections we have as a community. She says the entwined ribbons symbolize our connections with each other. Children will also perform music, demonstrate sword dances, and play games while AmeriGas provides grilled food for this family-friendly event.


Kids Bike Safety Day is this coming Saturday at Storyland in Glen. The annual event will be happening from 10-2 and will involve lessons on bike safety as well as mechanical checks and minor adjustments to bikes; helmet safety checks with free helmets to those who need them; refreshments and giveaways. The event is geared towards kids from 5-11 years old and requires they wear appropriate footwear. Kids Bike Safety Day is a free event, but donations to the Mt. Washington Valley Bicycling Club would be appreciated. The Mt. Washington Valley Trails Association will also be there with a table with information on the MWV Rec Path and Phase 1 of the project.

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen is visiting the north country today. She will be holding a roundtable discussion with Ammonosuuc Health Care Providers and Stakeholders in Littleton at 2:00. Shaheen will then be delivering remarks at the Androscoggin Valley Fish and Game Associations 100th Annual Banquet in Berlin at 5:30 in the evening. Senator Shaheen will then wrap up the evening with a Town Hall Meeting at The Bistro at White Mountains Community College in Berlin at 6:15 (Doors open at 6pm).

Tony Zore had a brief chance to talk to the Senator and discuss what she’s been up to lately.

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Fryeburg Police and Fire Department’s Swift Water Rescue Team were out Tuesday (4/23/19) assessing flood damage to the area surrounding Lovewell Pond. Both the pond and Saco River swelled during the overnight, causing water damage to roughly 25 homes in the surrounding area. Crews coordinated with Central Maine Power Company to have electricity cut from the affected homes and collected hazardous debris from the water such as floating gas and propane tanks. No injuries were reported during the mission.


Governor Chris Sununu is digging in as the budget process moves forward. The House recently passed its version of the budget that uses the surplus for an increase in permanent program funding as opposed to Sununu’s attempt to fund one-time projects the Democrats have said are ‘pork projects.’ The New Hampshire Governor sent out a letter to Department Heads yesterday as they begin meeting with the Senate to give their input on the budget. The open letter reminded Department Heads to advocate for ‘appropriate spending levels,’ in their budgets and asked that they keep any additional funding requests realistic to ensure the State avoids operational deficits in the future. The letter also warned that an irresponsible budget would be vetoed and asked Department Heads to be prepared for a continuing resolution on the State budget for 2019.