Kona Summer Mountain Bike Series
Tuesdays, July 7 – August 25, 2020
We are thrilled to be able to welcome you to join the Great Glen Trails summer weekly mountain bike series sponsored by Kona bikes!!
Come to Great Glen Trails each Tuesday anytime between 3:30 – 7:00 p.m. Choose your race course — long, short, or mini — and compete against the clock in this fun, easy going series. Open to all ages and abilities, this is the perfect socially-distant outdoor activity you can do with the entire family. This is a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bike) event. Rentals will not be available for the race series.
Long course: 5.3 miles
Short course: 3.9 miles
Mini: 1.2 miles
All courses use the Great Glen Trails carriage roads and single track at the scenic base of Mt. Washington.
There will be a few additional parameters in place this summer due to COVID19 restrictions and recommendations:
– mandatory staggered start; at least 1 min apart
– please do not congregate at the starting line under tent
– children must be accompanied at all times by their own parent/guardian
Please follow CDC recommendations and do not come to Great Glen if you are feeling sick, have a fever, or have known contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID19. We kindly ask you to wear a mask when inside, wash your hands, and keep at least 6′ apart.
We will have prizes each week in lieu of a potluck party and awards at the end of the series. We encourage everyone to sign up online in advance!
Series Adult: $65
Series Child (17& Under): $40
One Race Adult: $14
One Race Child: $9
*One race rates are only available for purchase day-of, on site.